+358 06 885 101

Email Toholammin Kelloliike Ky info(at)

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Opening hours: Monday–Friday 10 am – 5 pm, Saturday and Sunday closed

Contact and business information

How can I contact your business?

Our contact information can be found on our About page. You can contact us by phone or e-mail or by coming to our premises (our address is Kaartotie 2, 69300 Toholampi, Finland).

Please visit our social media pages on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Vimeo and Yelp (social media links are also on the top and bottom of each page). All feedback is appreciated but unfortunately we cannot reply to you in English.

Do you have an online store?

No, we don't have an online store. You're welcome to do business with us on our premises (our address is Kaartotie 2, 69300 Toholampi, Finland).

Clocks, watches and jewelry

What clock and/or watch services do you provide?

We provide maintenance services for watches, clocks and pocket watches.

What jewelry services do you provide?

We provide repairs for gold and silver jewelry such as rings, necklaces etc.

What brand names do you have in your selection?

Our selection includes brand names such as:

  • watches: Citizen, Leijona, Candino, Casio, Rhythm, Lacoste, Hermle ja Q&Q
  • clocks: Rhythm, Hermle, Q&Q, Citizen ja Casio
  • jewelry: Kalevala Koru, Lumoava, Saurum, Silver Bar, JSP-koru ja AALmark

Is it possible for you to engrave a watch or piece of jewelry for a certain event?

Yes, we can do engravings very quickly and have the watch or piece of jewelry ready for any event or special occasion.

Other products and services

What other products do you have in your selection?

What other services do you provide?

We also sharpen skates and provide beauty salon services (for more information see the section below titled "Beauty Salon products and services") etc.

Do you also provide gift cards?

Yes, we also provide gift cards that can be used for both beauty salon and/or watchmaker's products and services such as watches, jewelry etc.

Can you also repair my broken glasses or sun glasses?

Yes, our services include repair work for glasses such as soldering (not for titanium frames), rectifying, and changing nose bridges.

Beauty Salon products and services

What beauty salon services do you provide?

Our beauty salon services include a wide range of cosmetic treatments (pictures can be found on the Beauty Salon page):

  • Basic and special facial treatments using the Caretech Skin Scrubber (deep cleansing, peeling, absorbtion, and micro massage - all with one device)
  • Pedicures and depilations
  • Permanent dyeing of eyelashes and eybrows
  • Spray tan and infrared sauna
  • Cosmetic products include "Mary Cohr" and "Parfyms Max Joacim"

How can I make a reservation for a beauty salon treatment?

Beauty salon services are by reservation only. A reservation can be made by phoning us or visiting our shop using the contact information mentioned on the About page. (We provide only local beauty salon services.)

What kind of cosmetic products do you use in your cosmetic services?

We use the versatile and safe products of the "Mary Cohr" product line. These products are a natural, paraben-free choice that are also suitable for sensitive skin.

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